Tuesday, April 29, 2008
AMK hub level 3 - Music shop

I was walking pass this music shop at level 3 AMK hub not far from food court and something catch my eyes. I saw the top 10 songs the music shop (teach guitar/piano lessons) pick for piano cords and I saw 2 WL songs were in the song list.
I love you was placed top while Pu Tong De Ren was no 4 in order sequence. Besides WL only Eason Chan has 2 songs and Lee Hom 1.5 songs. Bravo WL! I am so happy and snap a photo of it.

spoke at : 5:32 AM

My sister's new puppies

Today went my 2nd sister house to see her 2 new puppies. Its mix breed seems a dog in her company has a few puppies and my bro-in-law decided to take 2 male puppies home. They are cute from same mummy but one much bigger than the other. The bigger one name is MAX and the smaller and noisier one is name XXXXX haha I forgot.

My nephews love to play with the puppies. According to my eldest sister who is currently nanny of my 2nd sister's 2 sons, the bigger puppy is quiet and very simple with food eat anything while the smaller one is picky so size so much smaller.

Well my mum was happy to see me and congrat me for loosing weight she hope I will continue to work hard and will achieve more weight loss.
Besides this my mum break me the news of my 2 cousin sisters (Both late ard 30+) have divorced. Older sister had a baby girl and she just married for 5 years not long after study in Australia while the younger one was married like 2 years plus no children. It was shocking to me especially the younger one who after file for divorce (as she was not happy with hubby's character hard to live together) but they are together for many years before married. And she now was romantically involved with her male colleague whom they work together and travel often for work (don't this sound familiar remember the pregnant wife whose husband had affair with another female colleague who has just ROM at that time)?
Anyway this show world has changed. Today my eldest sister told me its better stay single if cannot find rich husband as MEN are not to be trusted. Well, I believe it applies to woman as well especially capable women. :P

spoke at : 5:13 AM

[独家]“盲人歌王”陈伟联自称欣赏陈楚生 否认得同情分

This is link to April 28th interview:


spoke at : 4:56 AM

3 more videos of WL in China,
3 videos of Wei Lian.盲人歌手陈伟联内地首发专辑:




Note: Wait for the commerical to load and play finish, then the video will be shown :)

spoke at : 4:46 AM

Sunday, April 27, 2008
Malaysia vacation April 29th to May 3rd
I would be in Malaysia for vacation few days. This trip is specially for Mother's day. I have prepared a few gifts for my mum and dad hope they are happy to see me this time.

spoke at : 10:15 PM

WL 24th April Press conference - post interview view

(some extract of the press conference and post interiew)

spoke at : 3:24 PM

Saturday, April 26, 2008
Straits Times (pg 10) - 27th April 2008
Title "He's making great leap forward in China"

You know you have made it when you are asked to front a public education campaign - in China, noless. That's the case with Kelvin Tan.

The Singaporean singer has been roped in by the authorities in China to help sound the alert on the dangers of internet addiction.

"Yes, my role is to tell people, especially the young, that the internet can be a very useful tool - as long as you don't misuse it.

You have to control yourself - don't visit porn sites, for example - but I am not there to scold the young or talk about punishment," he said over the phone from Beijing on Wednesday.

As part of the campaign, he is in Shenyang this weekend to support a roadshow.

Kelvin said he used to be a heavy internet user but was mainly to chat with friends. Now, career demands eat into his free time.

Referring to his current stay in China from April 12th till early next month, he said his schedule is also packed with activities to promote his second album iWeilian.

The 27 year old winner of Singapore's TV singing reality contest Project Superstar in 2005 is making some big leaps forward in China. Some 40,000 copies of iWeilian will be shipped to stores.

Tan, who is blind, has been asked to perform at the Paralympic Games, which will be held in Beijing from Sept 6th to 17th.

Asked if he is the sporty type, the previous gym and bowl enthusiast said he has time only for the occasional swim now. "My bones are more brittle," he added with a laugh.

Loh Keng Fatt, from Straits Times page 10, April 27th Home colum.

spoke at : 6:46 PM

喜迎奥运 祝福残奥 爱心助盲 4月26日 (Wuhan)


“喜迎奥运 祝福残奥 爱心助盲”大型公益活动第三场在武汉第二聋校举办。此次活动是由中央人���广播电台发起,中国残疾人联合会、中央人民广播电台、国家广电总局电���频道节目中心联合主办,活动旨在引导全社会关注北京奥运会和残奥会、关注中国残疾人尤其是盲人生活现状、动员社会力量帮助盲人听好、看好奥运���和残奥会。



Wei Lian's part is from 01:57:00 onwards.
More news here:


spoke at : 4:05 PM

WL news on China newspapers

前天,在新加坡被称为“盲人歌王”的陈伟联在北京发布新专辑《i伟联》。陈伟联是选秀出身,他说最欣赏快男冠军陈楚生。发布会现场,陈伟联演唱了《I Love You》《小人物的心声》和《我只是想要》。2005年,陈伟联参加新加坡“绝对Super Star”选秀比赛并夺冠,成为当地家喻户晓的“盲人歌王”。

spoke at : 3:59 PM

Friday, April 25, 2008
WL press conference and interview in Beijing video
视频:陈伟联拒收同情票 盲人歌手要用实力取胜


WL Jia You!

spoke at : 8:50 PM

My article is out in local magazine

Been waiting and finally today saw 2 copies on sale at 7-11. Bought both copies one to bring home for my family and another for my own safe keep. Those who has been asking about this you can try get a copy.
First time I have photos printed in magazine and whole page so I felt kinda excited and worried at the same time.

spoke at : 6:21 PM

3rd May saturday WL on 成都大型文艺活动演出


稍后揭晓明星艺人:林苑 薛之谦 曲泉丞 金莎 胡灵 陈伟联

盲人代表:邵大宽 唐柯 徐勇 吴军 祝有勇 聂强 赵洪 邓力希 谢继成 李婉如

spoke at : 4:21 AM

Monday 28th April WL will have another interview Do stay tune 4.00pm pls checkout link:




点此进入),向陈伟联提出你们所关心的问题,我们将在节目中将您的问题交由他来回答。(新民网 徐媛媛)

spoke at : 4:19 AM

WL news from xin.sg

新加坡歌手陈伟联在中国发行了首张个人专辑《I 伟联》。除了与盲童合唱感人至深的主打歌《我只是想要》,陈伟联还当场被授予“文明上网迎奥运”活动形象大使的称号。 陈伟联出席首都经贸大学举办的“心系奥运手绘明天”公益活动,庆祝奥运倒计时100天的来临,演唱了自己的新歌《我只是想要》,

身后还有5个奥运福娃跟随乐曲的旋律摇摆着身体,陶醉在音乐的海洋。 陈伟联说,“希望所有的运动员都能在奥运会上有出色的表现,创造更多的世界纪录。” 陈伟联对公益事业热衷,不久前还参加了由中央人民广播电台举办的“迎奥运爱心助盲”大型公益活动,倡导全社会来关注2008北京残奥会、关注中国残疾人。


spoke at : 12:12 AM

Thursday, April 24, 2008
盲人歌王陈伟联获赠空白支票 可兑现任何愿望


陈伟联正式在内地发行了首张个人专辑《I 伟联》,并在北京举行了新专辑发布会。陈伟联在新加坡可谓家喻户晓,参加新加坡“绝对Super Star”的选秀比赛获得冠军,被誉为“创造了一个奇迹”;更因其纯净的嗓音和完美的唱功,以及长久以来正面积极、健康向上的形象被人们称作“盲人歌王”。此次在内地发行专辑,陈伟联所属唱片公司华纳音乐,也给与极大的支持和鼓励,《I 伟联》更融合了陈伟联在新加坡发行过专辑中的所有经典歌曲,首次内地宣传也在北京、上海、深圳、天津、沈阳、武汉六大城市展开。

盲人歌王内地发行《I 伟联》 发布会与盲校学生合唱真情动容
陈伟联在2005年参加新加坡“绝对Super Star”选秀比赛获得冠军出道,被称为盲人歌王,已经在当地发行过两张专辑,并且创造了许多销售神话。这次在内地发行的专辑《I 伟联》,其实可说是他过去两张专辑的精华版。《I 伟联》完全收录了陈伟联在新加坡发行两张专辑中部分经典歌曲,华纳音乐力图把陈伟联的音乐,全面地展现在内地歌迷面前。

《I 伟联》在北京的发布会完全沉浸在了一种温馨动人的情怀之中。发布会前的短篇完整记录了陈伟联的心路历程,从一个小小的盲人按摩师到“绝对Super Star”的冠军,从新加坡最具人气的新人歌手再到如今的盲人歌王,陈伟联人生的轨迹是犹如奇迹一般。虽然来自外界的赞美之词源源不绝,但陈伟联则表现得非常淡然,他谦虚的表示歌王的称号对他来说太重了,他只是一个喜欢唱歌的盲人,更希望人们称呼他为盲人歌手。

发布会现场,陈伟联演唱了《I love you》、《小人物的心声》、《我只是想要》等3首歌曲。其中《我只是想要》还与来自北京盲人学校6位学习音乐艺术的同学一同合唱的。盲人学校的老师说,学生们都以他为骄傲和目标。陈伟联听了非常高兴,并鼓励同学们要更加努力,不要放弃,勇敢去追求自己的目标。

积极参与公益事业 现场被授予“文明上网迎奥运”形象大使


华纳送“空白支票”承诺 为陈伟联实现任何愿望

《I 伟联》的发布会还安排了一个特别的环节,华纳音乐送给陈伟联一张特别标注“我只是想要”的“空白支票”。 华纳音乐的代表表示,长期以来陈伟联都非常努力的工作,音乐非常的棒,也非常感人。这张“空白支票”是华纳音乐所有员工对伟联的一个承诺,承诺可以实现陈伟联心目中的任意一个想要的愿望,以此为鼓励。



spoke at : 8:06 PM



4月24日,新加坡“盲人歌王”陈伟联在京发行了首张个人专辑《I 伟联》。除了与盲童合唱感人至深的主打歌《我只是想要》,陈伟联还当场被授予“文明上网迎奥运”活动形象大使的称号。

陈伟联是新加坡选秀比赛“绝对Super Star”的冠军,因其纯净的嗓音及长久以来正面积极、健康向上的形象被人们称作“盲人歌王”。此次在内地发行的专辑收录了其在新加坡发行两张专辑中部分经典歌曲,力图把陈伟联的音乐,全面地展现在内地歌迷面前。
发布会现场,陈伟联演唱了《I love you》、《小人物的心声》、《我只是想要》3首歌曲。其中《我只是想要》还与来自北京盲人学校6位学习音乐艺术的同学一同合唱的。盲人学校的老师说,学生们都以他为骄傲和目标。陈伟联听了非常高兴,并鼓励同学们要更加努力,不要放弃,勇敢去追求自己的目标.




spoke at : 2:40 PM

陈伟联做客都市流行频道 - 4月25日13:00-14:00
This radio interview was over. WL sang live 'I love you', 'Xiao Ren Wu' and 'Huo Cai Tian Tang' and few lines of acapella 'WZXSY'.

Many good comments from China fans and many enjoyed listening his voice and like his clear and touching voice.


spoke at : 2:37 PM

More news on WL performance this week

Did some searching and found more links to WL's performances and photo:







spoke at : 7:45 AM

Hot Hot video from sina.com - WL album release performance in Beijing
Sina.com has uploaded the videos of the 3 songs which WL sang this afternoon during his album release Press Conference in Beijing:

I love u

xiao ren wu de xin sheng


 新浪娱乐讯 4月24日下午,新加坡盲人歌手陈伟联(听歌)在北京举行了新专辑《i伟联》的记者见面会。陈伟联是新加坡拥有极高知名度的选秀节目的年度冠军,在狮城家喻户晓,因积极参与各项慈善活动,还被授予了“新加坡残障意识公民教育大使”的称号。北京发布会当日,共青团中央网络协会代表也向陈伟联颁发了“文明上网迎奥运”活动形象大使的荣誉证书。视频为陈伟联内地新专辑发布会现场演唱《I love you》。张大伟/视频

新浪娱乐讯 4月24日下午,新加坡盲人歌手陈伟联(听歌)在北京举行了新专辑《i伟联》的记者见面会。陈伟联是新加坡拥有极高知名度的选秀节目的年度冠军,在狮城家喻户晓,因积极参与各项慈善活动,还被授予了“新加坡残障意识公民教育大使”的称号。北京发布会当日,共青团中央网络协会代表也向陈伟联颁发了“文明上网迎奥运”活动形象大使的荣誉证书。视频为黑暗中感受陈伟联,聆听他与盲童共唱《我只是想要》。张大伟/视频

spoke at : 7:21 AM

Recommend new UK artiste - Leona Lewis

First time see her cd cover at MJ AMK Hub recently was curious and attracted to her face. Tonight finally heard her top single "Bleeding Love" at American Idol 7 top 6 results show. She has average look and quite big build (during competition she was slim but not now) but has great voice. Has the Mariah's whistling skill of singing high notes but her songs different than Mariah. Well I think I am going to get her cd.

Official website:

Can watch her music video here. This song top US singles chart now. And you know what she was discovered by Simon Cowell the famous judge of American Idol.


She was discovered at this X-Factor variety show UK:

Bridge over troubled water:

Performing Whitney's song (I will always love you):

Grand Final (All by Myself - Celine Dion)

Finals (A million love songs)

Winner 2006 (A moment like this)

Results show:

The grand finals reminds me of PSS1 haha.

spoke at : 6:52 AM

Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Live from Sina.com.cn - WL album release conference

Here you can click on link to watch:


Started with PSS1 video of WL during auditions and winning competition.
Then he started to sing "I love you" then host came out to talk and introduce him to reporters.

After, all lights turned off in darkness a kid start to talk "I would like to see how mama's face look like" etc, then WL started to sing "Wo Zhi Shi Xiang Yao" in darkness. After 1 minute darkness lights on WL singing with a group of like 8-10 blind children.

** got interruptions for 10 mins ****

WL was later asked about what games he enjoy, he is currently busy enjoying Wii game and explain other activities he used to play like bowling etc.

After there was presentation to him a certificate for being nominated as chinese ambassador for youth related to internet usage.

Now sing "Xiao Ren Wu" with his guitar. Upon finished, WL was informed that his company Warner Music has a gift for him a surprise gift. A lady in black came up to explain, its a cheque written "Wo Zhi Shi Xiang Yao" which is meant for WL to fulfill his wish. But details unknown as interrupted again.

spoke at : 11:31 PM

AI7 - Top 6 performance
Great performances :

Syesha : One of the best performer tonight.

David A. : Sing with full emotions. I really enjoyed listening and watching his performance

Carly : Suitable song for her this week. Great performance for her.

David Cook: wow Phantom Opera song!

Bottom 2:

Brooke White : I believe wrong song choice this week.
Song too big for her. Her vocal was poor and mistakes again
in the beginning. This could be the end for her this week. I wonder why after the last
mistake again she did this again. Forgotten lyrics it seems.

Jason :
Not good for me. Sorry.

I believe Brooke White will be out this week.




spoke at : 7:10 AM

新浪娱乐讯 07年,陈伟联(听歌)在新加坡发行新专辑《I伟联》,他的演唱每每使台下观众全情投入泪流满面,这样的音乐是可以轻易刺痛人心,引发最本原的怜惜与感动。






  陈伟联一出世便被诊断患有先天性眼疾(Leber’s Congenital Amourosis)。尽管从生命的第一天开始就不曾体会过这花花世界的色彩斑斓,对音乐情有独钟的他,仍坚守着自己的梦想,毅然踏上以音符围绕的一生。


spoke at : 6:03 AM

Tuesday, April 22, 2008
April 17th interview 3G娱乐专稿 文

 3G娱乐专稿 文/张佳欢)4月17日,Total 8 pages.

远道而来的新加坡盲人歌手陈伟联在北京接受了3G娱乐记者的专访。提起陈伟联的名字,也许很多内地的朋友并不熟悉。但早在2005年陈伟联就从新加坡选秀节目《绝对Superstar》的比赛中脱颖而出,成了新加坡乃至东南亚一带名家喻户晓的盲人歌王. 陈伟联的故事充满传奇,他曾经在新加坡的街头卖艺,抱着吉它对着无人的街道歌唱,他也曾经站在新加坡最大的舞台上,享受着上万歌迷的欢呼和朝拜,但对于陈伟联来讲,无论是站在街边卖艺,还是站在新加坡最大的舞台上,这一切的意义都只在于可以用音乐跟自己的灵魂对话。因为,他看不到舞台耀眼的灯光,看不到台下为他欢呼的人群。

Read this:



spoke at : 5:06 AM

WL interview 21-Apr-08 陈伟联做客《车友音乐时空》
新加坡盲人歌手 陈伟联做客《车友音乐时空》

Part 1:

WL sang english number "Hotel California".

Part 2:

spoke at : 5:03 AM

Monday, April 21, 2008
WL April 19th appearance in China


新浪娱乐讯 日前,“新加坡盲人歌王”陈伟联(听歌)来到内地宣传内地发行的首张个人专辑《I伟联》。近半个月来宣传行程一直安排很紧凑,但他并没有忘记参加公益活动去帮助那些需要帮助的人。近日,陈伟联又专程从北京飞往深圳参加了“迎奥运爱心助盲”活动,他说自己参加过很多类似的活动,只是希望通过自己的一点微薄之力帮助那些需要帮助的人,帮助别人让他很开心。





Photos taken by a China fan of 胡彦斌 but was later touched by WL's voice she given 1 flower out of her bouquet for him and regretted later (should have given him whole bouquet) as she saw that he appreciated her one flower, never left it behind. She purchase the rosary that WL left for charity sale.

新加坡歌手--陈伟联.(海报把他的名字写错了) 现场唱的<小人物的心声><我只想要>,好好听! 为他所唱,为他所流露出来的真情,我太感动了,我看向花,好几次都想冲上去送给他,告诉他,他是最伟大的,不止是新加坡的歌王,在中国,会被他歌声感动,为他所做震撼的人,更是会大有人在.我想送花,又想到斌斌. 因为在COCOPAKE,这里的花特贵,在我家门口,一百块可以买束很大很漂亮的花了,但在这只能买九只.当时买的时候想,是祝他的事业长长久久,我对他的追随长长久久,望着花,但我还是-- 我扯出了一只花,送上去给了陈伟联,他幸福的拿着花的样子,让我特后悔,当时,我应该把那八朵,甚至整束都献给他的.我祝福他,不能看到花,但花香,掌声,爱戴声,歌声,会永远陪伴他.永远祝福他.还有天下看不见的朋友们!


看见陈伟联把那只花搂在胸前的样子,我真的好感动.其实好想把那束花献给他的(不说了不说了),但不晓得斌斌什么时候出场,后来陈伟联走的时候我看见他把那只花带走了,好高兴的,*(偷偷地说,上次海上世界签唱会时斌把歌迷朋友的花忘现场了,我...我也知道这花不一定会被带走的,但想到现场别的歌迷都那么多,不能让我们斌冷场啊.后来,斌的助理把花一直抱上了车,我好高兴的呢.呵呵) 他们也有拍卖会,不过没现场卖.陈传联因为赶飞机,留下了串佛珠,也没现场卖,我好想要,当时就下决定,要这个,斌斌的让给别人了(汗....偶似穷人...)

spoke at : 3:20 PM

喜迎奥运、祝福残奥、爱心助盲 I (Shenzen)

“喜迎奥运、祝福残奥、爱心助盲”活动是由中央人民广播电台发起,中国���疾人联合会、中央人民广播电台、国家广电总局电影频道节目中心联合主���,活动旨在引导全社会关注北京奥运会和残奥会、关注中国残疾人尤其是盲人生活现状、动员社会力量帮助盲人听好、看好奥运会和残奥会。 中央人民广播电台中国之声、中国广播网4月26日上午9时30分同步音频、视频���图片直播此次活动,搜狐娱乐也将视频转播本次盛况。




明星主持:郭静 张东 王冠 青音

明星艺人:周彦宏 曲泉丞 俞思远&BIZ 林苑 王栎鑫 彭坦 陈伟联 张少佐 童蕾 杨影 佟健、庞

清等盲人代表:郑举选 罗红胜 李勤 彭传木 张建北 程前

spoke at : 7:28 AM

Coming appearance by WL in China:

4月25日 (13:00-14:00)



spoke at : 7:26 AM


WL was one of the invited guest artiste for the China Qing Hua University singing competition:

Thanks to China Fan Yangnan for link:

spoke at : 7:24 AM

Sunday, April 20, 2008
WL perform at 易唱聊会 17-Apr-08
For fans who cannot watch due to buffering can listen here (5 songs):

spoke at : 3:50 PM

“文明上网迎奥运”校园行活动定于4月27日从沈阳出发,依次在杭州、石家庄、 长沙、哈尔滨、济南、广州、西安、武汉、上海等城市所在的大学开展巡讲。届时,由北京掌讯远景科技数码信息技术有限公司总裁何曙波、中国电信信元集团总经 理樊山、香港心理辅导学会会长岳晓东、中国信息化推进联盟专家刘延宁、华中师范大学特聘教授陶宏开、中国人才研究会超常人才专业委员会理事长贺淑曼、中国 青少年网络协会心理发展研究院执行院长应力、北京军区总医院青少年心理成长基地主任陶然、山东临沂网瘾戒治中心主任杨永信等组成的专家志愿巡讲团通过举办 主题讲座、培训志愿者、个案咨询指导、图书捐赠等形式,引导广大青少年树立健康上网、文明上网的理念。

华人歌手郭美美、陈伟联出任“文明上网迎奥运校园 行”形象大使。






spoke at : 5:44 AM

Saturday, April 19, 2008
Recommended song - 擦肩而过
Heard this song in March on 933 and love the song immediately. Still waiting for gai ban cd to get copy. Meanwhile thanks to Didi for sending me the link. Seems that I am not the only one who like this song.

Hope WL will try sing this song :) A different touching flavour.

我爱着谁 爱到我有点醉 告诉我你是谁

能够把我让我变不对 你不会累

但我却爱你爱到好累 从没有为了谁

不顾安危付出一切 站在这平衡点

我还是觉得有点危险 或许是看不见

只能够靠感觉 他不会是个好男人

也不会是个好情人 你对我说我们只是擦肩而过

好的男人有那么多 少了他的日子也能过

我不会再让你寂寞 也不会让你更难过

你听我说要好好学着去生活 就算未来有多少错


你听我说 你不要这么做 你不要看着我

说你已经知道怎么做 你很难受 我愿意陪你一起承受

只要你不怕痛 再多坎坷我都陪你走 站在这平衡点

我还是觉得有点危险 或许是看不见

只能够靠感觉 他不会是个好男人 也不会是个好情人

你对我说我们只是擦肩而过 好的男人有那么多

少了他的日子也能过 我不会再让你寂寞 也不会让你更难过

你听我说要好好学着去生活 就算未来有多少错

至少还有我的问候我的温柔陪你度过 他不会是个好男人

也不会是个好情人 你对我说我们只是擦肩而过

好的男人有那么多 少了他的日子也能过 我不会再让你寂寞

也不会让你更难过 你听我说要好好学着去生活 就算未来有多少错

至少还有我的问候我的温柔陪你度过 就算未来有多少错


spoke at : 6:16 AM

"喜迎奥运 祝福残奥 爱心助盲”- WL performance
WL performed 2 songs : Xiao Ren Wu and WZXSY at this charity event under rain.

WL at charity performance 19th april

WL at charity BJ

More information can be found here:


spoke at : 3:44 AM

Friday, April 18, 2008
Movie review April 19th
Watch 2 movies past week following are my review. Both quite 'disappointing' especially storyline. If you just enjoy comedy or serious police business you can go and admire Jet Li, Jackie Chan and Keanu Reeves but I find my money not really worth the movies.

(1) Street Kings
Storyline : 2 stars (Nothing new, very dry and dull)
Entertainment : 3 stars (I would put credit to Hugh Laurie though his part was not much just
a few scenes but enough to add entertainment to the movie)
Acting : 4 stars (Keanu, Hugh Laurie and bad police acted well)
Overall : 3 stars

This movie did not make good impression for me. Keanu look old and fat reminds me of Leon Lai's looks in the movie "Empress and ............" But maybe he look like that to suit the role in movie. Then Hugh Laurie (Dr House) appeared, and added flavour to the movie and I like the 2nd half of it.

(2) Forbidden Kingdom
Storyline : 1 star
Entertainment : 4 stars (funny and the fights/special effects credit to Jackie Chan)
Acting : 3 stars (so many new faces in movie, nothing much for their acting)
Overall : 2.6 stars

I was surprised the whole movie I only enjoyed part with Jackie Chan esp when he was the old man in the chinese shop selling chinese stuff to the ang moh boy. As his presence bring humor to the movie added points to entertainment. His english was one of the best among the chinese actors and actress being most natural when he speaks though he has a funny slang.

Jet Li's english was pretty bad and unnatural and I do not enjoy at all his part except for the fight in a temple with Jackie. The new ang moh actor is not just ordinary looking he did not add any flavour to this movie. His scene with the group of gangsters look very much like C class western movie scene.

The other actor I enjoyed was the bad "Jade king". At least he look really like a baddie. Was tired when watching this movie find there is nothing 'new' in storyline. It looked very much like a totally mixed 'ice kachang' movie with little taste in it. An ordinary bowl of ice kachang added with some peach trying to make it something different but fail to make a difference. This is a movie for western audience and not chinese.

spoke at : 8:14 PM

Yummy food today (April 18th)

Did many things today. Took a day leave to settle 4 main things:

1. Reapply maybank money transfer card - lost my one small wallet with one ezlink card, money transfer card and one credit card. Settled the credit card cancelled immediately and got my replacement card but have no time to go bank. Finally settled, cancelled old card then reapply got it immediately. For those not aware you can pay SGD18 to get 2 money transfer card where u can bank in money and in Malaysia or other country to withdraw from Maybank ATM or other Mastercard/Cirrus logo ATM. Can save money transfer costs and convenience. Can use also the Citibank AXN machine to topup the card as well. If you transfer below SGD3000 per month its worth using this method as each transfer costs SGD30. But more than this amount its better use TT method. Each withdrawal costs SGD3 and if using other ATM costs SGD5 per transaction. Each transaction limit of withdrawal is SGD500 a day.

2. Went facial miss it for 2 months due to my schedule clash with fitness training, got it done and arranged next date. My beautician praised me for able to work hard to keep fit. She paid lunch for me. I had late lunch :D Below is the photo, had a new kind of food. Min Hoon Kueh dry with prawns, ikan bilis and fish cake and lots of vege. vinegar plus chilli

3. Went to Golden Mile to get bus ticket back Malaysia paid SGD73 for to/fro ticket end April for 1st May weekend.

4. Use my robinson SGD40 and Centerpoint SGD50 voucher. Been holding this for months finally put it to use before it expire. Got myself good deal bought 2 "Glucosamin 1000 mg' pills a bottle 180 pills for SGD43.50 and Glucosamin and MSM cream. This is very good for me as I need to consume this due to heavy exercise my ankle and arms hurt sometimes after intensive training.
Recently I have to carry dumb bells as heavy as 10kg each for doing my lungeon exercises. It is going to increase more soon.

Finally I completed what I need to accomplish last night and very happy with it.

spoke at : 7:59 PM

Thursday, April 17, 2008
爱心助盲 - 中央人民广播电台发起

喜迎奥运、祝福残奥、爱心助盲”活动是由中央人民广播电台发起,中国���疾人联合会、中央人民广播电台、国家广电总局电影频道节目中心联合主���,活动旨在引导全社会关注北京奥运会和残奥会、关注中国残疾人尤其是盲人生活现状、动员社会力量帮助盲人听好、看好奥运会和残奥会。 中央人民广播电台中国之声、中国广播网4月19日上午9时40分同步音频、视频���图片直播此次活动。此外,人民日报、光明日报、中青报、广东卫视、南方日报、广州日报、深���特区报、南方都市报、深圳卫视、深圳公共频道、深圳电台、深圳商报、���报、深圳新闻网、文汇报、香港商报、大公报等媒体单位也将对本次活动进行跟踪报道,敬请关注。

时间:2008年4月19日上午9点40分地点:深圳 cocopark 超市

明星主持:向菲 刘倩 田龙 孙阳

艺人艺术家:俞思远&BIZ 林苑 庞龙 胡灵 胡彦斌 彭坦 张嘉洵 侯耀华 陈伟联 魏雪蔓 王濛 付天余 刘冲

spoke at : 3:22 PM


Attached is the video today's 5.30 pm interview:

Further transcripts and some pictures:

spoke at : 6:06 AM

Tom.com interview 17th April 2008

Can catch recorded interview at this link:


spoke at : 5:45 AM

Wednesday, April 16, 2008
MIL and SIL story (2)

My second sister's husband (SIL no 2) and my mother had been very close since day one. They were so close that SIL told my mother as long as she help take care of his son she will be well taken care by him and if she ever get sick he will pay for all her medical fees when she grow old.

My mother has been staying with them for like 10 plus years with my second sister and SIL. There has been no issues and my sister's oldest son is very close to my mother. But my mother and sister has not been getting along too well.Few years ago my sister was angry with my mother over issues with the way my mother bring up her son, she asked my mother to move out and they did not speak for months.

My mother eventually moved into my brother's house and stayed for two years to help him take care of his son. During that time SIL tried to persuade my mother to move back when my sister is ready but my mother refused as she do not want to get into another despute with raising children. She continue to stay at my brother's house. Due to this reason SIL started to be unhappy with my mother and jealous of my brother.

Not only SIL started to stop greeting my mother when she drop by visit sister's son, he also complains to his family members that my mother did not respect their earlier agreement that she should stay on to take care of his son. To him, my mother prefers to take care of own grandson and ignore his son. This complain eventually went to my mother and she was unhappy with SIL ever since.

This misunderstanding goes on for years. Till now my mother and SIL has not been on talking terms. Though now SIL greet my mother but both are not happy with one another.

Basically SIL will be treat MIL well for two main reasons: (1) To make wife happy (2) Need MIL help to raise his children

spoke at : 11:52 PM

MIL and SIL story (1)
This is real story from my eldest sister and her husband (SIL) and my mother. After sharing about MIL and DIL issues now we move on to MIL and SIL issues.

In my family I have 2 older sisters and have 3 brother in laws.

My eldest brother in law (also ex) is a very controlling husband. Initially when he and my eldest sister were couple he behave very well and treated my family nicely. But all changed when he and my sister were married. After married my sister for few years he started to change. Firstly he control everything my sister's dressing, how to raise kids etc. Everything my sister do must be followed. My sister end up being afraid of him and has a bad and quarrelsome marriage and end up divorce after 9 years of marriage. Now both remarried.

Though my mum was not living with them but she was invited to stay for few months to take care of my niece and sister during my sister confinement.

Following are issues after my mother stayed few months with eldest sister:

1) Everything my mum do while taking care of my sister & baby must inform/report to SIL. SIL is a very protective husband and father. He want things to be his way, if not he will start to question my sister and my sister
will scold my mother.

2) Money matters dispute. My mum was not paid any money while take care of my sister. My mum expected at least an ang pow and appreciation from SIL. After taking care my sister and baby afew months and face a lot of communication problems with SIL, she only get very small token of money and no appreciation from SIL. SIL always show black face to MIL whenever they visit my parents house. And my sister will quietly listen to SIL.

Relationship turn bad to worst after this especially when my mum notice SIL seems to be having affair and alerted my sister. SIL eventually stop my sister from having contacts not just with my mother but our family.

spoke at : 11:21 PM

AI7: Top 7 performance this week
Great performances:

David A:
Wonderfully sang. I was so touched by his rendition a totallyunique version of "I believe".

Wonderful, totally show case her powerful vocal.

Kristy:At first I thought she will not be able to sing Mariah song wellbut she chose the right song.

David Cook Sang well rock version.

Above average:

Without you, she chose right song for her vocal range.wonderfully sang.


Original version but honestly not my cup of tea.

Brooke White:
Singing hero that is not really suitable for her voice. Her voice cannot manage this song.

Out this week:
Brooke White.


spoke at : 7:39 AM

WL interview on www.tom.com 17th April 1 PM & 5.30PM

17日13点 新加坡盲人歌王陈伟联携新专辑做客

近日,在各大电台已经展开全面预热宣传的新加坡盲人歌王陈伟联,已于近日来到内地,并在北京为自己的专辑《I 伟联》展开宣传。这次为专辑入京宣传,其实并不是陈伟联第一次来到内地,之前也曾为了公益事业多次来京为慈善活动演出。这次来到内地,他虽以艺人身份为新专辑宣传,但也不会落下自己力所能及的公益事业,为那些需要帮助的人们贡献自己的一份力量。

Another interview at 5.30pm:

spoke at : 5:49 AM










spoke at : 1:35 AM

Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Latest news from China - WL and GMM

华人歌手郭美美、陈伟联在新闻发布会上被聘为系列活动形象大使。  中国青少年网奥赛系列活动详细信息可登陆中国青少年网奥赛官方网站?www.oonet2008.com)和主要竞技平台东北新闻网(www.nen.com.cn)查询。

spoke at : 10:55 PM

WL album promotion in Beijing and interview on qq
Video is now available for watch (Thanks to Stella):


WL has blogged his first blog entry from Beijing.

Its great to know his schedule is all fully packed till end April. He will be going to other cities in China like Shenzen, Wuhan and Shanghai.

All the best to WL !

spoke at : 3:44 PM

Common problems with in MIL (mum in law) (2)
PT my ex colleague responded on my last posting Common problems with in MIL (mum in law) (1). Let me explain some of the missing details.

To add some details to what I posted, those are real issues between my mum and sisters in laws and my eldest sister and her in-laws but happen between 3 to 15 years ago. Maybe now there are less inconsiderate MIL but no matter how open MIL claim to be still there is something traditional about their values which they will use to compare to DIL. Each MIL has their dream DIL and when they do have one, they will compare DIL against what they hope for and start to complain when she is not what they expected.

To be honest my mother is hard to live with. She has some traditional values and can be very stubborn and expect not just children but DIL to have some values she has. To be fair to my mother, she is not totally wrong and I know that she has been open MIL that she encourages my brothers to move out and not stay together since she prefer to stay with her daughters.

But once any of us live with my mother, we need to take note of many details so as not to clash with her values. My mother does not expect DIL to cook and be housewife if she is working wife and help support family finance but will expect DIL to take good care of husband needs and take care of house cleanliness. She would try to clean the house herself and then end up feeling unwell and bad body ache. Then she will start to complain and nag and she will never scold or nag DIL but will do it to her son (my brother) and expect him to tell his wife for her. This indirectly started unhappiness in my brother's marriage but ever since my mother move out and stay with me now everything has been fine and peaceful.

Me and my second sister are working adults and we have tried to explain and pacify my mum previously about not to expect too much from DIL these days as life has completely changed. Wife are now working to help support family and would not expect all married women to take care of husband and MIL needs as they would 30 years ago.

To support one of my mother's claims, one of my sister in law she is a very untidy person and does not like to do any housework yet she is not willing to spend money to hire part time maid. My brother's house is always dirty and full with insects and other stuff. Last time after my mother move out honestly I seldom visit his house due to same unclean reasons till my sister in law's mother move in with them and she did all the cleaning for them now their place has been clean and tidy. During the time my mother stayed in my brother's house to help take care of his son for 2 years, she always see him does all the cleaning even wash and fold my sister in law's clothes she was very unhappy and problems started from then on.......................

Its always easy to see a person and talk to them but its never easy to live under same roof peacefully.

spoke at : 1:43 AM

Monday, April 14, 2008
Latest WL news from China

  百度娱乐讯 近日,在各大电台已经展开全面预热宣传的新加坡盲人歌王陈伟联,已于近日来到内地,并在北京为自己的专辑《I 伟联》展开宣传。这次为专辑入京宣传,其实并不是陈伟联第一次来到内地,之前也曾为了公益事业多次来京为慈善活动演出。这次来到内地,他虽以艺人身份为新专辑宣传,但也不会落下自己力所能及的公益事业,为那些需要帮助的人们贡献自己的一份力量.


spoke at : 12:47 AM

WL qq.com interview April 14th

Interview over, WL sang with his guitar. Thanks to BA Stella for photos,
interview contents are :
腾讯嘉宾访谈聊天室 http://chat.qq.com/
To be continued:

spoke at : 12:37 AM

Sunday, April 13, 2008
Common problems with in MIL (mum in law) (1)
I recently read a friend's blog that she has MIL issues. Well, which married couple with children does not have? Its either conflicts because of DIL and MIL because of son or grandchildren or housework what else?

Honestly I am still single and now staying on my own. So how can I comment right? But again I have 2 older sisters and 2 older brothers they were all married and have own children. My family is quite big concerning besides having 5 of us siblings and parents, I have 2 nieces and 6 nephews, 3 brother in laws(eldest sis divorce and remarried) and 2 sister in laws. I have seen alot of in law issues in my family. Mainly between my mother and my other 2 sister-in-laws and my mother with my 2 brother-in-laws and my sister with her dad-in-law.

I will start sharing some of what my mum complains unhappy with my SILs, and my sister's in laws unhappy with their MIL :

Common onflicts between DIL and MIL

MIL: I like house to be tidy want DIL to do cleaning at least once a week and maintaineverything nice and neat.
DIL: We working adults do not have time for this, rather we will hire part time maids or husband will help share the housekeeping. We share financial of course housekeeping cannot be done by wife alone.

2)Take care of husband well:
MIL: Make sure once a while cook for hubby or take good care of his meals. Make sure he has nice and tidy clothes to wear. MIL do not want to see son wearing unironed shirt, go out empty stomach or see son cook for wife.
DIL: We are working, we expect husband to be considerate to do own cleaning and iron own clothes. Once a while to help pack breakfast for us rather than we serving our husbands.

3)Sleep (not more than 8 hours)
MIL: How come DIL sleep till after 12 noon on weekends esp sunday. DIL should sleep regular hours and not more than 8 hours and wake up before we do and able to prepare breakfast or go out breakfast with family.
DIL : Weekdays working will want to have at least sunday off where can rest and sleep longer after waking up so early Monday to Friday.

4)Upbringing and educate children:
MIL: There is always problem about how to take care feeding baby etc where MIL should have more experience and DIL should listen or seek MIL for advise.
DIL: Children are our flesh and blood, we have right how to bring up own children. We believe our methods are as good if not better than MIL.

5)Greeting old people
MIL: DIL is expected to greet old folks FIL or MIL whenever see them in morning and when want to go to bed.DIL who wake up late and still look sleepy in morning and did not greet old people are considered bad upbringing and did not respect elders. Last time before married mouth so sweet now after married is different. Haiz......
DIL: Everyday see FIL, MIL after married still need to great ma? We are one family do not need to be so formal. I do not need to greet my parents why need to greet IL now?

6) Visit to parents house or go out with friends.
MIL: I expect DIL to visit parents house the most once a week but not so often. Why my DIL has to visit her parents every weekend and overnight? House is so messy and untidy still have time to go out. I expect DIL after married to go out less with friends. Got spare time please stay home and clean house.

DIL: I miss my parents and my own home. I like to visit my parents as much as possible. As for my friends, is there a rule after married cannot go out with friends? I am tired after having baby have to everyday stay at home. At least once a while I would like to be able to go out and talk with friends and share my problems with them.

Do they sound familiar? I will share more later.

spoke at : 11:06 PM

How to be sure money is well spent?
I met up with two old friends recently. Both are my friends since my first project in Singapore they are from my ex company Singapore head office colleagues. Both older than me. Well did not see them for about 2-3 years I notice one of them has aged. I too have aged but glad with my recent fitness training actually regain a little youth. :P

They heard about my article coming out in magazine in May and was happy for me. They also interested to join fitness center. They asked how much I am paying for FF membership. I signup Dec 07 and its $130 per month. I heard California Fitness cheaper about $50 per month but many of my friends told me bad things about CF. Some of my colleagues join Amore and its about $90++ per month. Then one of my friends complaint that paying $100 or more is expensive as they do not go that often. I suggest they go for yoga or pilate classes instead since they only interested to go like 1,2 times a week.

So how do we measure if its worth for us to invest in any memberships? To me I have been thinking for 2 years if I should join fitness center after trying CC gym membership which I paid like $185 a year yet I only go few times and stop as I could not get to do Cardio machines, they are always occupied when I go after work I wasted by just going to few times and stopped. In 2006 I paid $185 but only went 4 times. On average I spent SGD46.25 for one session :(

Below are how I measure:

1. How often will I go to gym for workouts?
This is very important I make it a point to go gym minimum 3 times a week. Total I am going gym on average 12-15 times a month. Each time I spent like SGD8.67 to SGD 10.83 for each trip.

I find with this its worth my money spent. Its like watching one movie each trip I go gym though I have to watch 12-15 movies a month :P

2. What expenses can I cut to spend on gym?
I cut down on food expenses. Eat at restaurant less, met up with friends for dinner less and entertainment less. On average previously I spent around SGD200 to 300 per month going to dinners, movies and other entertainments like Karaoke and weekly I will eat at nice restaurant alone 1-3 times. This expenses I cut to about SGD100 or less a month now.

3. Any ways to get sponsors?
I can claim SGD300 yearly for gym membership from my company.

4. What do I want to achieve?
Need to create habit to exercise and loose weight and stay healthy. This should be continuous and not temporary for just one year. And now I have achieved having habit to exercise. Without exercise I felt I am missing something :)

I believe with this its enough to quantify me joining fitness center membership.

spoke at : 9:11 PM

WL in Beijing
Today thinking about WL when I was in bus just now. How is he doing in Beijing now? 2pm later there would be internet interview from Beijing, I must remember to catch it. Hope he is well and looking forward for more of his interviews :)

spoke at : 6:25 PM

Saturday, April 12, 2008
Completed photoshooting at Bishan Park
Today changed into my exercise clothings and prepare myself to go Bishan Park. It has been like 4 years I last went there though my home is near to Bishan Park. But it is troublesome I need to take bus and walk a distance there. I waited near to Amansa Spa and photographer came and we went to have photos taken.

Its first time and its quite difficult for me to smile, really I dislike smiling too much. I was asked to pose once doing warmup exercise where he taken at least 10 shots, another sitting position and one more jogging all taken in like 15 mins. I only saw the jogging photo. As my fitness center does not allow photos taken in the gym so we had to resort to take outdoor photos. Hope it turn out well. For those who wants to know which magazine I will reveal when magazine is out.

spoke at : 9:04 PM

Friday, April 11, 2008
Stay tune and listen to WL's interview on internet:
April 14th 2 pm



spoke at : 3:40 PM

Post comment for WL thread at xin.sg

Hello fans

Time to show our strength. Lets all come together to post this xin.sg new thread.

There is someone trying be funny just ignore for each negative comment we can post 10 positive ones.


Other 2 top threads (Top 5):



WL and fans Jia You!

spoke at : 3:36 PM

Wednesday, April 9, 2008
My first try of submitting article to local magazine
I saw the opportunity in a local magazine where I can write in my "Success Story" and win $150 voucher to get pair of sneakers. I tried my luck end Feb 2008. After 1.5 months no news from the magazine I thought "aya no chance liao" so I just no bothered. Then my trainer also ask me to write for Fitness First magazine newsletter in March. I decided to write my article with different focus and doubted that my first entry if I did not write a good article.

Just about 2 weeks ago, I start receive sms from the magazine staff telling me her editor ask her to get more photos from me. So I emailed her more of my old photos that show the "fatter" me. A week later she informed me that her magazine photographer will contact me to arrange photoshoot. I was thinking, oh dear did my article get selected? I managed to confirmed it today when get this email.

"Morning Patricia!

Don't worry! I'll make sure Alvinn shoot you properly. He's very experienced in his craft, cos he's helped me with other Success Stories applicants before you.

Just a small thing to highlight to you, keep your makeup to the lightest, so to make you look more natural… if that's okay with you. '

I'm sure your friends will like your AFTER picture when they see it in the May' 08 issue of XXXXXXXX.

Anymore queries, feel free to give me a call for reassurance!"

Honestly I am kinda worried now coz not only my friends but colleagues might see me in that magazine. I just found out one of them read this magazine regularly. I am not going to mention it, lookout for May issue of any local magazines that related to Health. I let you all guess.
My photoshoot will be coming weekend. Wish me luck !

spoke at : 7:44 PM

AI7 - Top 8 and results
Great performance
Syesha - though she might sing like Fantasia but she has her own style and I personally think she sang pretty good
David Cook - Another great performance this week
David A. - Play piano this week, interesting song
Brooke White - She tried a different method of performing this week dressing differently. Voice still as usual unique a bit 'sa sa'. Like her style.

Above average
Michael - Just an ok performance for me
Jason - His singing is just average to me. Always with his guitar I believe he should try something different getting bored with him. Sorry to Jason fans but I would like to see him doing or at least try to sing something different

Bottom 2
Kristy - Another boring song by her. I do hope she will be out this week as she has long overdue. Though judges like her performance this week but to me its a no no.
Carly - I do not like this song she chose this week.

Seems only got one right this week Carly. Am shocked Michael was out though I did not really like him but I dislike Kristy and Carly more. Too bad he is kicked out earlier than expected and Kristy still there and my goodness she was not in bottom 3 this week but Carly and Syesha was. I do hope Syesha can shine more and continue on her journey would not want to see Kristy during top 5.

spoke at : 8:31 AM

Dancing with the Stars top 9
This week my favourite show is on again. I really love this season's couples. There are many fantastic dancers. I most admire Kristi and Mark they are so great dancers and natural. Besides this couple I do really like Shannon Elizabeth and Derek they are young and energetic and can see joy in their dance. I am rooting for them two to be in final 2. Meanwhile I do like the deaf actress Marlee as well but due to her limitation she might be a little affected in her performance in compared to the earlier two couple but I do enjoy seeing her dance. The other dancer that I enjoy watching is the short and cute lady. Though she was on the heavy side and might not have the figure of a dancer but she can dance well. Hope she can go a few more rounds.

As for Priscilla I just find her looks unnatural though at age of like 60 she still very energetic and look good for her age ( Guess a lot of $$$ spent on plastic surgery to maintain her current looks).

spoke at : 7:52 AM

Dinner at Sun and Moon Japanese Restaurant Wheelock Place
This week the US BA and consultant came for project. Again our department has dinner at exclusive restaurant. This time we had fantastic Japanese dinner at Sun and Moon restaurant. My boss book a room and 7 of us order individuals and some dishes for sharing. I totally enjoyed the food. Thank God I went to have 2 hours exercise yesterday at least do not feel that guilty tonight. I ate quite a bit of Unagi, salad, green tea ice cream and some gyoza.

Will upload photos later.

spoke at : 7:47 AM

Monday, April 7, 2008
I represent the committee (BA Alice and BA Judy) of the last WLFC gathering with WL would like to say thanks for all the fans compliments on the event. Will take this opportunity to inform the rest of the fans who missed this event.

The main organizer of this event is Edwin and the gifts were all given by WL himself, the photos and guitar (grand prize) as well as the paper heart made by WL himself. WL would like to give something to fans as appreciation for all their support since PSS1 days. Without the fans he would not be where he is now.

For those fans who wants to be invited, do refer following criteria to be invited:

a. Fans must be active member of WLFC (
www.weiliankelvin.com/home ) either in terms of postings at forums, attending WLFC events and WL performances or contributing funds regularly to WLFC.

Note: Those with WLFC tee and /or know any active members in WLFC can be invited by the members as each can invite 1-2 friends who are WL fans.

b. Contacts/emails or mobile was in WLFC mailing lists. If you want to be invited for future events pls email to me at patjlu@yahoo.com.sg to have your contacts updated.
I currently have contacts of regular fans who has FC tee, attended events and purchase WL preorder cds.

spoke at : 1:45 AM

Sunday, April 6, 2008
Superstar boy song
Sweet little BA Jermaine sang this "Beautiful Girl" song for WL but lyrics changed to "Superstar Boy". BA Judy Jermaine's mum provided me the lyrics:

Can listen the message here:

Superstar Boy
Wherever you are
We knew when we saw you
You had opened the door
We knew that we will miss you so
After a long long while
We see again.

You said Hello
And we turned to gold
But something in your voice
Left our hearts beating so
We knew that we will miss you so
After a long long while
We see again

spoke at : 6:55 AM

Movie review - Flood and Rouge Crocodile
This week I watched 2 movies following are my review:

(1) Flood - This is a British movie about the flood that caused major problems to Britain and the high waves and wind cause the wave to move towards city of London. I do not know the actors and actress but the main actress look rather familiar to me. This movie touch not just on the rescue works but on family relationship as well. The broken relationship between father and son ended well but the father end up died for saving lives and also his son and his future wife.

Story : 4 stars (extra points for the touching story on father and son)
Acting : 3 stars
Entertainment (special effects) : 4 stars
Overall : 3.75

(2) Rodge Crocodile: I did not expect much from this movie but the lead actor being Michael Vartan gave me some confidence that this movie wont be too bad. After watching this movie I realised that I was wrong about this movie. Its alot like Survival and the storyline was rather believable and this is the best crocodile movie I have watched so far. It was very scary as well as believable. The ending part was unpredictable which I hope it would have been longer.

Story : 4.5 stars (extra points for story to be so real like watching National Geographic/Survival and whoever watch this movie will feel like they are there with the actors)
Entertainment : 4 stars
Acting : 3.5 stars
Overall : 4 stars

Both are great in its own ways but overall I prefer Rodge Crocodile. After watching this movie I believe I will never want to try to see real wild animals.

spoke at : 4:16 AM

Pat's Thoughts

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket If music be the food of love, play on. This is a blog where I share with people about myself and my favourite Singaporean Singer Kelvin Tan Wei Lian. All who are my friends, colleagues and family are welcome to come to my blog and get update here. I am part of Kelvin Tan's FC who is named the Blue Angels since he won PSS1 in 2005

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Now Playing Wei Lian's

<<陳偉聯 分手的情书>>

2009年最能打入人心的微酸情歌 "分手的情书".

分手的情书 - chen wei lian
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